
Details of Publications of Book

Sr. NoName of Publications of Book
Title of BookISBN NumberDIOName Of Authors


Recognized by Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, Ministry of Education, Government of India, Crossref, Lynnfield, USA and Global Register of Publishers, UK.

Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence978-81-975393-1-2
  1. Dr.Sunil Joshi 
  2. Mr.Prasad T. Shaha
  3. Dr.Namita Chawla
  4. Dr.Shahid Thekiya

Details of Publications in Conferences

Sr. No Name of Conference & host Organization Title of paper Dates of Conference Particular page Numbers Name Of Authors
1 AICTE Sponsored Springer international conference REEDe V-2022 at st. Vincent  COE & T Nagpur A Proxy Mobile IPv6 Mobility Model for Quality-of-Service Improvement of Internet of Things Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks 16-17 sep-2022 21 Dr Shahid Thekiya & Dr. Mangesh Nikose
2 Technical Institute for Engineers , Bangalure Published by springer ICDCOT-2021 at SJB Instute of technology Bangalure Role of Routing techniques in wireless sensor networks-a survey 25-26 june-2021 761-770

Details of Publications in Journals

Sr. No Name of Journal Title of Paper Volume/ Page no / eissn DOI Web Link Scopus/ Wos/PubMed/UGC` Name Of Authors
1 Asia Pacific journal of science and technology Clustering Optimization using Fuzzy C mean Clustering and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for wireless Sensor Network 2539-6293 Scopus Index Dr Shahid Thekiya & Dr. Mangesh Nikose
2 International  Journal of Information Technology Energy Efficient clustering routing protocol using novel admission allotment scheme (AAS) based intra cluster communication for Wireless Sensor Network 14/2815-2824/2511-2112 https://doi.org10.1007/s-41870-022-01086-6 Scopus Index
3 International  Journal of mechanical engineering Energy Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Network using Ant Colony Algorithm Vol. 7 No 5/1034-1040/0974-5823 Scopus Index
4 Journal of emerging technology and innovative research Design and analysis of leaf spring using ANSYS software Vol 11/ISSN:2349-5162 UGC Mr. Kadam H.K. & Mr.Sayyad Shafik R
5 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Process parameter optimization of wire cut EDM for h11 material using RSM and desirability function approach Vol-3, Issue 7, 2017/ ISSN : 2454-1362 Wos Mr. Vaidya V.R. & Mr. Shinde B.