
Details of Publications in Conferences

Sr. NoName of Conference & host OrganizationTitle of paperDates of ConferenceParticular page Numbers
1AICTE Sponsored Springer international conference REEDe V-2022 at st. Vincent  COE & T NagpurA Proxy Mobile IPv6 Mobility Model for Quality-of-Service Improvement of Internet of Things Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks16-17 sep-202221
2Technical Institute for Engineers , Bangalure Published by springer ICDCOT-2021 at SJB Instute of technology BangalureRole of Routing techniques in wireless sensor networks-a survey25-26 june-2021761-770

Details of Publications in Journals

Sr. NoName of JournalTitle of PaperVolume/ Page no / eissnDOIWeb LinkScopus/ Wos/PubMed/UGC`Name Of Authors
1Asia Pacific journal of science and technologyClustering Optimization using Fuzzy C mean Clustering and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for wireless Sensor Network2539-6293 IndexDr Shahid Thekiya & Dr. Mangesh Nikose
2International  Journal of Information TechnologyEnergy Efficient clustering routing protocol using novel admission allotment scheme (AAS) based intra cluster communication for Wireless Sensor Network14/2815-2824/2511-2112https://doi.org10.1007/s-41870-022-01086-6 Index
3International  Journal of mechanical engineeringEnergy Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Network using Ant Colony AlgorithmVol. 7 No 5/1034-1040/0974-5823 Index
4Journal of emerging technology and innovative researchDesign and analysis of leaf spring using ANSYS softwareVol 11/ISSN:2349-5162 Kadam H.K. & Mr.Sayyad Shafik R
5Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary ResearchProcess parameter optimization of wire cut EDM for h11 material using RSM and desirability function approachVol-3, Issue 7, 2017/ ISSN : Vaidya V.R. & Mr. Shinde B.