
Diploma Programme in Civil Engineering
I – Scheme
Programme Structure

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
(What s/he will continue to do even after 3-5 years of working in the industry)

PEO 1. Provide socially responsible, environment friendly solutions to Civil engineering related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics.
PEO 2. Adapt state-of-the-art Civil engineering broad-based technologies to work in multidisciplinary work environments.
PEO 3. Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work.

Program Outcomes (POs) given by NBA.
(What s/he will be able to do at the entry point of industry soon after the diploma programme)

PO 1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic engineering to solve the broad-based Civil engineering problems.
PO 2. Discipline knowledge: Apply Civil engineering knowledge to solve broad-based Civil engineering related problems.
PO 3. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results to solve broad-based Civil engineering problems.
PO 4. Engineering tools: Apply relevant Civil technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 5. The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Civil engineering.
PO 6. Environment and sustainability: Apply Civil engineering solutions also for sustainable development practices in societal and environmental contexts.
PO 7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the practice also in the field of Civil engineering.
PO 8. Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.
PO 9. Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.
PO 10. Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the context of technological changes also in the Civil engineering and allied industry.

Course Outcomes (COs)

Course Outcomes are the statements that describe what students are expected to know, and be able to do at the end of each course/subject. The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be taught and implemented.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
(What s/he will be able to do in the Civil engineering
specific industry soon after the diploma programme)

PSO 1. Construction Planning and Designing: Perform optimal civil engineering construction, planning and designing activities of desired quality at optimal cost.
PSO 2. Construction Execution and Maintenance: Execute civil engineering construction and maintenance using relevant materials and equipment.