Name of labCAD/SMA  
Total cost5,30,000 Rs.
Carpet area70 sq.m.
Student to whom lab CaterSecond/third year
Lab incharge 


Name of labAutomobile Engineering
Total cost11500 Rs.
Carpet area66 sq.m.
Student To whom lab CaterThird year
Lab inchargeProf. Ubale S. R.  (M.Tech)


Name of LabThermal Engineering (TEN)
Total cost171475 Rs.
Carpet area70 sq.m.
Student to whom lab CaterSecond/third year
Lab inchargeProf. Kadam H. K. (M.Tech)

Name of labTheory of Machine (TMM) Engineering
Total cost87480 Rs.
Carpet area70 sq.m.
Student to whom lab CaterSecond/third year
Lab inchargeProf. Chavan R. B. (M.Tech)

Name of labWorkshop
Total cost807316 Rs.
Carpet area350 sq.m.
Student to whom lab CaterFirst/second year
Workshop SuperintendentProf. Jagtap V.V. (ME- M/C Design, DME)

Name of labFluid mechanics & hydrualic machines (FFM)
Total cost540000 Rs.
Carpet area66 sq.m.
Student to whom lab CaterSecond/third year
Lab inchargeProf. Vaidya V.R. (ME- M/C Design, DME)

Name of labMech Engg Measurement
Total cost326833 Rs.
Carpet area66 sq.m.
Student to whom lab CaterSecond year
Lab inchargeProf. Kale N.B. (M.Tech)